What We Do

Healthcare providers are facing increasing competition and decreasing reimbursements. At the same time, they are being asked to provide “value-based care”, without any clear definition of what that means. Most CIN or ACO arrangements start off with a “guess” as to what success would look like. Very few providers really understand what value-based care and/or risk sharing entails, how to structure their organization in response, or how it may impact both decision-making and reimbursements.
Integrated Care Technologies (ICT) removes the mystery surrounding these topics. Simply put, the ability to “bet” on the quality and price of healthcare services relative to other providers in the same space is the foundation for the move away from fee-for-service (FFS) activities. ICT designs and implements platforms that drive alignment between the various stakeholders in the US healthcare system, who are often at odds under FFS: patients, physicians, ASCs/hospitals, and payors. Success depends on aligning these constituents behind the two overarching themes of provably superior outcomes at lower overall cost to the healthcare system.
Problems we solve
For Payors
ICT offers payors population health solutions for disease state management of musculoskeletal (MSK) disorders. MSK disorders make up the largest single cost bucket for self-insured employers, over $50B in direct costs alone. Point solutions abound in this market, primarily focused on physical therapy solutions and other preventive care. We combine a full-continuum patient management platform, including preventive, conservative and surgical care from our multi-specialty network. This is wrapped in a concierge care-coordination engine atop a proprietary technology platform - all designed to manage costs at every stage of patient care.
ICT is the only full-risk solution available to payors for your MSK population.
ICT is the only full-risk solution available to payors for your MSK population.
For Providers
ICT offers healthcare providers a blueprint to develop a strong foundation for accountable care. Our proven processes and solutions have been utilized by hospitals and physician groups for more than two decades to establish and successfully manage their clinically integrated networks. Our Clinical Integration services and solutions help you formulate your strategy, design and implement your network, partner with physicians, measure performance, and manage financial reimbursement—all backed by a Clinical Integration Intelligence Platform that turns your data into actionable insights.
For Patients
The promise of building integrated care networks under value-based reimbursement models is that most of the benefits should ultimately accrue to the patient. Part of the ICT methodology is devoted to ensuring that these benefits are both realized and recognized by patients.
Through our combination of high-tech and high-touch patient management, we educate and guide patients through their healthcare journey. We make sure patients understand:
Through our combination of high-tech and high-touch patient management, we educate and guide patients through their healthcare journey. We make sure patients understand:
- Their individualized care plan, including where they fall in the continuum of a particular disease state
- What their treatment plan is, and the relevant outcome statistics
- How much they should expect to pay for care during their journey
Effective clinical care at a reasonable cost should be the baseline!
Pillars of the ICT Platform
Disease State Management
- Multi-specialty provider network
- Algorithmic, evidence-based clinical pathways
- Shared clinical workspace and medical record
Care Coordination
- Proprietary technology platform
- Concierge call center
- Cost controls – right provider, optimal setting
Patient Catchment
- DTC marketing provides baseline volumes for system
- Risk-based contracting captures larger populations
- Marketing to managed populations drives utilization
Clinical, Operational, Satisfaction Scoring
- Measure, score, and track everything
- Patient-reported outcomes AND IRB-approved outcomes research
- Physician alignment via employment arrangements